Saturday, January 22, 2011

How would a American mothers would give custody of there ten year old daughter to her husband child?

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Question by Gfdgd G: How would a American mothers would give custody of there ten year old daughter to her husband child?

How would a American mothers would give custody of there ten year old daughter to her husband child father, when he wants a divorce (mother does not want a divorce) but the child wants to live with her father if she is given a choice. The father wants to do it simple uncontested. The mother does not have to deal with court ordered child support because the father does not want to deal with that either. He just wants to continue comparative in cooperating.

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Answer by Caldella
I honestly don't 100% understand what you're asking, but I'm taking my best guess that you are looking for a more amicable way to give custody to the father without legal forcing the child to live with the father. The best way is often to have no custody agreement and leave it up to the child. I'm not sure if there are set age limits for this, but a child old enough to really make her own decisions can be allowed this. My brother and I were 12 and 16 when my parents divorced, so there was no official custody agreement. It was left up to us when we wanted to visit whom to avoid the legal hassle of being required to go somewhere at certain dates.

If you honestly feel that the other parent will not cause a problem with child support, you don't have to require that, either. If you don't legally pursue it, it likely won't be sought after. It will, though, if you require it or if the government decides they will, or that the other parent isn't paying enough. That, though, was only begun for us after our father stopped giving any payment, and I believe it came automatically out of paychecks.

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