Should I include unrelated hobbies on a job application?

by Malenkov in Exile
Question by Kaci: Should I include unrelated hobbies on a job application?
I'm filling out an application for a job at a grocery store, so nothing fancy. But my hobbies are things like playing piano and sports. Is that what they're looking for, or do they want job-related hobbies? I don't bag food in my free time, so I can't imagine that's what they're looking for. This would be my first job, so any other tips are appreciated. Thanks...
I meant the application isn't fancy, not the job. I'm not stuck-up. I'll be grateful for any job.
Best answer:
Answer by raibabyyy
They want to know about what you do in your spare time, so put whatever. They're just looking to make sure you have personality and you're not a lazy slob. Also, put any clubs or school activities you do, and especially any leadership positions you hold.
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